E2010 Wired

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Tag Archives: Univ. of New Hampshire

Vice Pres. Biden, Sec. Duncan and others focus on Campus Rape

Officials also gathered in Hampton VA to discuss college campuses and sexual assault. A recent report showed one out of 10 women will be sexually assaulted on campus. Many go unreported.

Last week, American University students stage a protest sit-in on the University’s decision not to seek federal $300,000 in funding for a comprehensive sexual assault prevention program.

After failing to convince the administration to budge in a campus meeting last night, protests began in earnest this morning. The Department of Justice Violence Against Women Act grant would have been due today. [….]

After the protests, AU agreed in writing “work with students and the campus life staff to develop a comprehensive plan of action” on sexual assault over the next year, including holding an open forum to present that plan by Oct. 15.”

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